AI in the classroom
High-calibre expert talk at Bavarian International School (BIS) on Artificial Intelligence and education on 29 February 2024.
The whole world is talking about the revolution brought about by Artificial Intelligence (AI), about opportunities and risks, disruptive changes in the working world, in social interaction and in education. AI in the classroom - the Bavarian International School (BIS) invites you to an expert forum on this hot topic, the BIS City Talk on 29 February 2024 (18:00).
"AI in education: empowering tomorrow's digital citizens" is the exact title, which will be discussed by high-calibre experts from the world of AI: Tristan Post (AI Founders and AI lecturer at TUM), EdTech entrepreneur Dr Diana Knodel (fobizz, App Camps), Isabell Fries expert at Future Work, Digital Education and Human Machine Interaction, Consultant at Fries Advisory, TEDx and keynote speaker, and BIS School Director Dr Chrissie Sorenson. The evening at the BIS City Campus at Leopoldstraße 208 will be hosted by Nina Eichinger, who will also take questions from the audience after the keynote speech and panel.
What opportunities and challenges arise from the use of ChatGPT and co. in schools? What does the use of AI mean for ethics, academic integrity and digital media competence? What future skills do students need to be prepared for the new tomorrow as digital citizens? Keynote speaker Tristan Post gives a taste of what is to come of the sixth BIS City Talk: "One of the most exciting prospects of AI is its potential to personalise education. Imagine a learning environment that works like the Netflix recommendation system, where each student receives challenges and materials personalised to their individual pace and level."
AI expert Tristan Post (here at Technical University Munich/TUM) is the keynote speaker of the 6th BIS City Talk.
AI education expert Dr Diana Knodel from Hamburg also emphasises the potential of innovation: "Viewing AI as an enemy and trying to block it would be a losing battle." She sees far more opportunities through AI in relieving the administrative and planning burden as well as in the differentiation and personalisation of learning content. Ultimately, this would mean more individualised time for the children.
Interview with Shakespeare
The Bavarian International School (BIS), with approximately 1,250 students from 68 nations at 2 campuses in Haimhausen and Munich-Schwabing, is already well on its way to discussing, organising and implementing the use of AI in everyday learning. "The introduction of ChatGPT in the Secondary School has led to interviews with Shakespeare, rap battles with historical figures, heated debates with music legends and many other improvements to the learning experience," says Ruth Buckley, EdTech Coordinator at BIS.
To further prepare for the topic, we recommend reading the current BIS magazine "INSPIRE", which can be found on this website under "news"!
The BIS City Talk is a public event at the crossroads of education, science, business and politics. BIS is thus emphasising its role as a committed partner of the Munich region and as a pioneer of modern education. Admission is free, only digital registration is required:
The previous topics of the BIS City Talk:
2017 Future learning
2018 Design thinking
2019 Positive education
2022 Educating for tomorrow: values + life skills = changemakers
2023 Next generation leadership
Thursday, 29 February 2024 (18:00),
Leopoldstraße 208, 80804 München-Schwabing (please use public transport):
AI in education: empowering tomorrow's digital citizens
Photos: Adobe Stock, private
Media contact at BIS:
Marko Mädge
Head of Communications & Advancement
Bavarian International School gAG
Hauptstr. 1 - 85778 Haimhausen – Germany
Phone: +49 (0)8133 - 917 132