CAS – Creativity, Activity, Service
Engagement in real-world tasks

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is a central part of the IB Diploma Programme (DP) which challenges

students to design and commit to a portfolio of experiential learning experiences unrelated to their academic studies. The emphasis is on students taking new roles, learning by engaging in real-world tasks that have real consequences, and by reflecting on these experiences over time.

The 18 month long CAS programme is is an expansion of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) "Service as Action", diversifying into three strands to incorporate Creativity, Activity and Service. The students must plan their own individually balanced programme, inclusive of a CAS project. The "Creativity" strand is determined by any experience in which the student is learning something new. The "Activity" strand includes any experience that is a physical exertion and "Service" is any experience in which students make a positive difference towards people, animals and their environment. 

At BIS, students engage in and lead a wide plethora of experiences that range from self-initiated reading groups, STEM clubs for younger students, Dance Committees, Model United Nations club, individual and team sports, providing assistance to local food kitchens, teaching English at local schools, providing activities for the disabled at Schönbrunn, campaigning for Amnesty International, engaging for the Green team and many more.

At the end of this 18 months CAS programme it is absolutely fantastic to hear and read how each individual has developed exponentially in ways which they would never have imagined!
- Emma Morris, CAS Coordinator at BIS