Signature Programmes
At BIS, we offer students a number of unique experiences.
We believe students grow through testing themselves in various environments, gaining new perspectives, and making new relationships and connections. Our signature programmes offer just that.
Creativity, Activity, Service
Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is a central part of the IB Diploma Programme (DP) which challenges students to design and commit to a portfolio of experiential learning experiences unrelated to their academic studies.
The emphasis is on students taking new roles, learning by engaging in real-world tasks that have real consequences, and by reflecting on these experiences over time. The 18 month CAS programme is for students in Grades 11 and 12, and is an expansion of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) "Service as Action" which is for students in Grades 6 through 10. CAS diversifies into three strands to incorporate Creativity, Activity and Service. The students must plan their own individually balanced programme, inclusive of a CAS project. The "Creativity" strand is determined by any experience in which the student is learning something new. The "Activity" strand includes any experience that is a physical exertion and "Service" is any experience in which students make a positive difference towards people, animals and their environment.
At BIS, students engage in and lead a wide plethora of experiences. For example: self-initiated reading groups, STEM clubs for younger students, Dance Committees, Model United Nations club, individual and team sports, providing assistance to local food kitchens, teaching English at local schools, providing activities for the disabled, campaigning for Amnesty International, engaging for the Green team and many more.
Emma Morris, CAS Coordinator at BIS “At the end of this 18 months CAS programme it is absolutely fantastic to hear and read how each individual has developed exponentially in ways which they would never have imagined!”
Service as Action
A key part of our curriculum is Service as Action (SA), which encourages students in Grades 6 through 10 to participate in activities that make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
With a year-long service focus at each grade level, all students of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) in Grades 6 - 10 are expected to engage in these activities. Students in grade 6 focus on Global Poverty & Local Action; in Grade 7 - Animals & Their Rights; in Grade 8 - Understanding the work of NGOs; in Grade 9 - Sustainability and The Eco-Schools Project; and in Grade 10 - Disability Awareness.
Arising from the curriculum, SA focuses on the important issues of the day, learning how to inform others, engage in advocacy, how to take individual action and to organise collective action. Action is followed by reflection, where students consider the impact of their actions on both the community and their own development.
Isabel Moraes, MYP 1-3 Service as Action Coordinator at BIS “At BIS we are concerned about the holistic development of students. We are not only concerned about academic levels and extra curricular skills but with the development of character and personality. Becoming wonderful people! Learning through experience, Service as Action allows this to happen.”
We are an "Eco-School"
The Bavarian International School (BIS) is a three-star "Eco-School in Europe ‒ International Sustainability School".
This certification is given by the Bavarian State Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection as well as the Ministry Education and Cultural Affairs Ministry, in cooperation with the German Society for Environmental Education (DGU) and the State Association for the Protection of Birds (LBV). The initiative has also received official recognition from UNESCO.
The Bavarian International School is committed to sustainable development. While our commitment to the environment is long-standing, student-led action began in earnest in 2018. We are currently focusing on Healthy Living, Biodiversity, Waste and Sustainable Mobility with a huge variety of mini-projects within these umbrella titles.
The project has grown to include a Grade Level Project for all Grade 9 students, student-led After School Activities across the campuses known as The Green Team (Secondary school), The Eco-Agents (Haimhausen Campus Primary), The Eco Club (City Campus Primary), the forming of an Eco-Committee which engages members from all aspects of the school community, the cafeteria and external community partners including two local permaculture projects and links with the Naturschutzbund. The enthusiastic students gather information and research through all channels and networks and build connections to global organisations that are committed to sustainable development and environmental protection.
In 2022, two BIS green team received the "Climate Heroes Award." Among 80 participants, BIS Blooms and BIS Giving Greens took first and second place in the competition, organised by the Arvantis Social Foundation. Collectively, the teams were awarded 20,000 euros in prize money.
We welcome all individuals interested in our goal to contact, to get involved and become Change-Makers in Sustainability!
Follow our student-led Green Team on Instagram @thegreenteambis
Emma Morris, Eco-Schools Project and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) Coordinator at BIS “We are integrating the involvement across students, staff, parents and local community organisations to pool expertise, energy and enthusiasm towards a common goal - making a positive change for a more mindful, resourceful and sustainable future for all inhabitants of our world.”
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award
The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, also known as "the toolkit for life," is a worldwide program designed to promote self-reliance, independence and perseverance for young people aged 14 to 24.
Since its founding in 1956, more than one million students from over 140 nations have participated. The Bronze, Silver and Gold programme levels each include the four voluntary tasks and social service in the community, fitness and sports, talents and skills, and expeditions - depending on the degree with a minimum of six to 18 months with at least one hour per week.
At the Bavarian International School, the The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award has been a permanent, popular component of the extracurricular programme for many years. In 2020 a record number of 24 BIS students received this award (6 x Gold, 9 x Silver, 9 x Bronze).
Peter Weinig, International Award Coordinator at BIS “The Duke of Edinburgh´s International Award promotes personal responsibility, independence and stamina. The holistic nature of the programme has a positive effect on the development of the students.”
Model United Nations
Few After School Activities align more perfectly with the school’s international character than the Model United Nations (MUN) programme. Participating students engage in debates surrounding global issues and current affairs as well as prepare for various conferences throughout the year.
Student-led and including about 35 students at any given time, MUN is also a great opportunity for many IB Diploma students to earn “creativity hours” as part of their Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) programme.
The Bavarian International School participates in two major conferences annually: the Model United Nations of Munich and The Hague International Model United Nations. Students who participate in conferences prepare position papers representing their countries and speeches for presentation. BIS has sent delegates to The Hague since 2017, representing numerous delegations, including Croatia, the Maldives, Papua New Guinea and Jordan.
UN General Secretary António Guterres “At MUN conferences you broaden your horizons. By learning and networking, you can become part of the United Nations' efforts to build peace, secure human rights and enable all people to live in dignity.”