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Welcome to BIS


A top international school in Munich

Inspiring global citizens and future changemakers



We offer the security of a globally recognised and well established curriculum combined with contemporary, dynamic and cutting-edge practice. 

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We believe healthy, authentic, responsible young people develop through a broad spectrum of activities outside the classroom.

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BIS graduates are consistently admitted to their top choices, the best universities around the world, Germany included.

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Combine the power of the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) with a student population of 70 nationalities, a caring and passionate international team of educators, and an innovative and inclusive educational practice, and you have the unique experience that is the Bavarian International School. 

Discover the magic of BIS in the latest issue of our award-winning INSPIRE magazine!


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The magic of BIS City Campus



Individual pathways to success


Deborah Chiao

“I like BIS because the teachers are friendly and care about you. The classes are of great fun and interesting. You also can have your own mind and can be yourself."

Deborah Chiao, BIS Student

Maria Rivero Ruiz

“In BIS, I learn because I have fun; I have fun because I learn in BIS. BIS connects us to each other in a great community with strong values.”

Maria Rivero Ruiz, BIS Student

Daniel Föst

"The Bavarian International School is a front runner in the field of digitalisation. This is how schools of the future should be. Only with the world's best education available for all can children become architects of their own lives." 

Daniel Föst, Member of the German Bundestag and Chair of the FDP in Bavaria

Karis Koutsourelakis

"BIS is a community that has taught me valuable academic and life skills that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The bonds I have created not only with my classmates but also my teachers have made me truly appreciate my education and inspire me to learn."

Karis Koutsourelakis, BIS Student

Jayne Phillips

"BIS has played a huge role in our lives and was instrumental in us deciding to move to Germany and in us being so happy here. Not only were our daughters very happy in BIS from day one - instantly welcomed and quickly well integrated - but as a family we always felt part of a warm and caring BIS community. " 

Jayne Phillips, BIS parent

Béla Anda

"The BIS is a great school with an exciting spirit and a very positive attitude that helps to inspire children for a lifetime."

Béla Anda, BIS parent

Flourishing personalities


A complete International Baccalaureate education


Primary School City Campus
(Kindergarten - Grade 5)

An international education in the heart of the city.

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Primary School Haimhausen
(Kindergarten - Grade 5)

An international education in Munich's countryside.

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Secondary School Haimhausen
(Grade 6 - Grade 12)

An international education to prepare your child for the next chapter.

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BIS offers the full range of IB programmes, beginning with the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme for ages 3-12, through the Middle Years Programme for ages 13-16, and the Diploma and Career-related Programmes for ages 16-19. Founded in 1968 and with a presence in over 150 countries throughout the world, the mission of the IB Programme has been built on “a cornerstone of creating a better world through education. 

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